Page 12 of articles about gestation

Trouble-shooting herd fertility problems

Let us assume that the expected farrowing rate and live-born litter sizes are 90% and 12.5, respectively, but that current performance is 82% and 11.3, respectively. This means that too many sows are bred but failing to farrow and those that farrow are having fewer pigs.

Threonine requirement of sows in early, mid- and late gestation

Current NRC (1998) recommendations for amino acids (AA) do not account for different requirements in early vs late gestation due to changes in metabolism; recovery of body tissue from previous lactation, and fetal, gut and mammary growth in late gestation. These increases in gut and mammary tissue and gut mucin suggest that there is a higher requirement for threonine (THR) in late gestation.

Jyden Bur: Free stall system for the European market

As of 2013, the European Union has made new requirements for gestated sows. The ordinary static crate will be phased out by law but there are other solutions. A high level of efficiency, an improved working environment and more animal welfare is the outcome of the popular and flexible gestation crate, JB5000 from Jyden Bur – a Danish company with an international perspective.