Page 2 of articles about gestation
Tip: A very practical sow card holder
There are many types of do-it-yourself sow card holders for farms, but this one stands out thanks to its simplicity and functionality.
Subpopulations (III of III): Parity optimization
We continue to talk about subpopulations within the farm. Here, we discuss how to optimize the sow group according to parity number to improve productivity.
Hypor dam lines: Key management aspects
In this article, we focus on the key aspects of management to optimize performance from this genetic line of sows. We talked with Carlos Martins.
Who has better production indexes- Spain or the United States? (2/2)
We continue our comparison of production data between sow farms in Spain and the United States. This time we focus on replacement rate, pre-weaning mortality, and weaning weight.
The new challenge of crate-free housing in farrowing
Europe is preparing to eliminate farrowing crates in the next few years... Are farmers ready? Will this benefit the sows? What about the piglets?
Vaginal microbiota differences associated with pelvic organ prolapse risk during late gestation in commercial sows
Is gestation length changing in sows?
User responses of the 333 survey on gestation length in sows reveal gestations are trending around 115.5 days.
Associations between foetal size and ovarian development in the pig
In utero heat stress alters postnatal phenotypes in swine
Hypor: A smooth transition from stalls to group housing
How the Hypor Libra* helped Haven Colony make the sow housing transition easy, allowing the animals to produce to their full potential.
Intake patterns of lactating sows: More important than you may realize.
Deviations from the sow's normal consumption pattern during the lactation phase have important production implications.
Evaluating the effect of dietary L-arginine supplementation during early gestation of gilts on plasma metabolites and embryo development
The effect of three different feeding time’s strategy during sows’ gestation
Farrowing rate isn't everything in gestation performance
Which indicator best reflects performance - farrowing rate or non-productive days?