Page 3 of articles about gestation
Supplementing with life yeast both sow and piglet diets
Feeding CLA and MCFA in late gestation and lactation to sows on the growth and survival of their offspring
A comparison between nulliparous and multiparous sows cervix with regard to post-cervical AI
Dietary CLA during late gestation on composition of primiparous sows’ colostrum
Feeding two different levels in sows during late gestation: effects on reproductive performance and piglet birth weight
An update on sow amino acid research
Sow nutrition research has historically been only about 2% of the swine scientific literature, but new commercial facilities are changing this.
Factors of importance when selecting sows as embryo donors
The behaviour and welfare of sows and piglets in farrowing crates or lactation pens
Reproductive performance following non-surgical deep uterine porcine embryo transfer
Energy and lysine requirements of sows during transition and lactation
Frequency and time of gestation feeding and their subsequent effects on farrowing performance
Different feeding levels during wean-to-estrus and first week of gestation of sows
Outcomes of gestation length in relation to farrowing performance
How efficient are the current hyper-prolific lactating sows? (1/2)
The study described here was designed to determine if the body tissue mobilization during lactation imposed by feed restriction could affect litter size and sow performance in the subsequent lactation.