Page 5 of articles about gestation
Effects of space allocation and parity on selected physiological and behavioural measures of well-being and reproductive performance in group-housed gestating sows
Effect of different dietary energy levels in reared gilts until the first parity
Magnesium supplementation improves digestibility and reproductive parameters in sows
Data, hormones and holidays (1/2)
A strict schedule allows us to concentrate all the important events, and time periods where more attention/work is required, within the working days.
NET energy system for gestating and lactating sows (1/2)
Making use of the NET energy system for sows to formulate feeds makes it possible to achieve a smooth transition from gestation to lactation diets, which makes the transition period around farrowing easier for the sows.
Pregnant sows: Notes on the card wrapped in a plastic bag
Wrap the sow's card in a transparent plastic bag and write down on it the information with a thick marker.
Effect of feeding on hormones related with feed intake in reproductive sows
Influence of permanent use of feeding stalls as living area on ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions for group-housed gestating sows kept on straw deep-litter
Phase feeding of sows in gestation
The nutrient requirements of the sow change during gestation and the feed provision must meet this demand; hence the need for phase feeding.
Are sows asking for the pig334? (1/2)
As you probably know, the name pig333 web comes from the length of the sow's gestation, which is "3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days". This paper proposes the necessity to review the length of gestation on our farm.