Page 6 of articles about gestation
Algal biomass supplementation in maternal diets on piglet survival
Australia: sow stall phase out initiative
Establishment of the 2012 vitamin D requirements in swine
Role of interleukin-1β in the regulation of porcine corpora lutea during the late luteal phase of the cycle and during pregnancy
Pen housed sows with electronic feeding stations
Use of special diets during the pre- and postpartum periods
The use of two different feeds for the sows in the farrowing quarters is not always easy at a logistical level.
The use of DDGS in gestating sows kept in a group-housed system or individual stalls
Intrauterine growth restricted piglets defined by their head shape ingest insufficient amounts of colostrum
Main problems with pregnant sows housed in groups (II)
This article suggests some solutions to the main problems encountered in pregnancies with group housing.
Effects of day of farrowing induction and spontaneous versus induced farrowing on sow and suckling piglet performance
Main problems with pregnant sows housed in groups (I)
The two main factors that make that certain farms have not been successful adapting to the animal welfare regulations are design and handling/management.
Effects of group size and floor space allowance on grouped sows: aggression, stress, skin injuries and reproductive performance
Reproductive failure by PCV2 infections
PCV2 may reach embryos/foetuses upon transplacental spread during viremia or upon insemination with contaminated semen.