Page 18 of articles about african-swine-fever
Updates on ASF in Italy
The total number of African swine fever cases rises to 46, all in the area declared an "infected zone"
Mexico: Agreement to strengthen epidemiological surveillance
This agreement will strengthen epidemiological surveillance efforts to prevent the entry of swine diseases, such as African swine fever (ASF).
ASF Germany: Rerouting of the permanent fence in Lower Oder Valley International Park
With the new location of the fence, the authorities are responding to the discovery of injured and dead wild animals at the fence as a result of the flooding of the Oder River at the beginning of the year.
Canada invests in ASF and PED projects to protect pig health in Manitoba
Two projects aimed at ASF and PED prevention and control will protect animal health and ensure the international competitiveness of the Manitoba pork industry.
Italy takes urgent measures to curb the spread of ASF
The Italian Council of Ministers has approved a decree-law with urgent measures to curb the spread of African swine fever in the territory.
We are worried about ASF
Our friends are very concerned about the entry of ASF... You can't let your guard down!
Italy approves aid for the swine industry in the wake of ASF
The Italian Council of Ministers has approved a decree providing aid to the swine industry with a budget of €50 million.
ASF Italy: Specific control measures in the infected area
South Korea: ASF found in wild boar further south
The infected wild boar was found 52km away from where ASF had previously occurred in wild boars in the country.
Increased number of confirmed ASF cases in Italy
There are now 20 confirmed cases, so far all of them within the infected area.
China bans pork imports from Italy and North Macedonia
China announced the ban on pork due to ASF outbreaks in Italy and North Macedonia.
SHIC: New research project to investigate feed mill decontamination in the event of an ASF outbreak
More ASF cases reported in Thailand
Thailand has reported eight total outbreaks of African swine fever in pigs to the OIE.
Philippines hog inventory grows as country recovers from ASF
The Department of Agriculture remains optimistic that the hog industry will gain momentum this year, and recover from its losses due to ASF.
ASF in Hong Kong: Wild boar carcass tests positive
A wild boar carcass found in the area around Wong Yue Tan in Tai Po tested positive for African swine fever virus.