Page 39 of articles about african-swine-fever
Peru conducts an ASF simulation exercise
IRTA-CReSA attends the International Symposium for CSF
From 23-26th October, the International Symposium for Classical Swine Fever (CSF), organized by the China Institute of Veterinary Drug Control, was held in Beijing with the participation of Dr. Llilianne Ganges from IRTA-CReSA.
ASF in Belgium: first confirmed case since August
First confirmed ASF case since 08/14/2019, detected in the remains of a wild boar that had died more than six months ago.
How ASF has affected China's pig census, industry structure, and pork consumption
Australia establishes National Feral Pig Coordinator to tackle feral pig population and threat of ASF
Singapore lifts ban on Belgian pork imports
African swine fever: early detection is key to controlling spread
Updated OIE manual on ASF in wild boars
The facts, observations and approaches described in the document are presented with the intention of fully informing all stockholders and the general public about the complexity of this disease and the need to carefully plan and coordinate efforts aimed at its prevention and control.
Mexico, U.S.A. and Canada work together to prevent ASF
How China's pork imports have changed
Chinese pork imports have gone up 43% from January to September .
ASF ruled out in Spanish pork confiscated by Macedonia
ASF in Philippines: Backyard raisers to get P5K per ASF-culled pig
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte approved the recommendation of Agriculture Secretary William Dar to increase the financial assistance given to backyard raisers whose hogs were culled due to the African Swine Fever.
Philippines: ASF reaches more provinces
Roslin Institute: Research into ASF inspires UK campaign
Studies led by the Roslin Institute have inspired a national campaign to help reduce the risk of spreading infectious diseases such as African swine fever (ASF).