Page 14 of articles about antimicrobial
Abundance and diversity of the faecal resistome in slaughter pigs and broilers in nine European countries
Countries step up to tackle antimicrobial resistance
Certification in antibiotic-free (ABF) production from weaning to slaughter in pigs
This article describes a real project for the production and marketing of pigs that are given no antibiotics after weaning
UK: new Animal Medicines Best Practice Programme
Microbial shifts in the swine nasal microbiota in response to parenteral antimicrobial administration
Report finds international variation in AMR policies
The Netherlands: trends in the use of antibiotics in farming
Superbugs: MEPs advocate further measures to curb use of antimicrobials
Medicated feed: Deal on new rules to fight antimicrobial resistance
New EU rules to enhance availability and fight against antimicrobial resistance
Veterinary drug residues: non-compliance remains low
International partnership to address human-animal-environment health risks gets a boost
FAO chief calls for halting the use of antimicrobial medicines to promote growth in farm animals
OIE: Three new steps in the fight against antimicrobial resistance
4th Animine Asian Distributors Meeting in Bangkok
This workshop was an opportunity for the participants to exchange about the latest experimental results and applications of HiZox® and CoRouge®.