Page 38 of articles about antimicrobial

The future’s green! The future’s Olmix!

The commonly held view amongst Western pig producers is that Asian pig producers use antibiotic growth promoters as a substitute for good husbandry techniques. No doubt some Asian producers do have this mentality, but increasingly there are worries about antibiotic residues in pork with the carry -over effects on the consumer and so progressive producers are looking to find green alternatives to AGPs.

USA - FDA issues draft guidance on the judicious use of medically important antimicrobials in food-producing animals

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued draft guidance intended to help reduce the development of resistance to medically important antimicrobial drugs used in food-producing animals. The draft guidance outlines the FDA’s current thinking on strategies to assure that antimicrobial drugs that are important for therapeutic use in humans are used judiciously in animal agriculture. The FDA acknowledges the efforts to date by various veterinary and animal producer organizations to institute guidelines for the judicious use of antimicrobial drugs, but the agency believes additional steps are needed.

European Union - Almost 40% of Europeans are aware of the issue of overuse of antibiotics

The Commission publishes two reports which demonstrate the need for further progress in the European Union on the issue of anti microbial resistance. The first is a pan-European survey which reveals some worrying trends in public attitudes towards the use of antibiotics. The results indicate that citizens need more information on the correct use of antibiotics, even though 37% of respondents remember having received information on not overusing antibiotics in the last 12 months. The second document is a progress report, adopted today, on the 2002 Council Recommendation on the prudent use of antibiotics.

Belgium - Project to eliminate MRSA in pigs

The aim of this project is to eliminate MRSA in pigs, or at least achieve a significant reduction in the level of colonisation, thus lowering or preventing the risk of human beings being infected. To achieve this, phage endolysins are over-produced in E. coli or Pichia pastoris. They are purified for use in the in vivo treatment of experimentally infected animals.

United Kingdom - Antimicrobial consumption

This is the second report in the UK compiled by the various agencies dealing with public health or the health of animals raised for food. It brings together data on antimicrobial consumption, significant pathogens and their antimicrobial susceptibilities across the fields of human health, animal health and food.