Page 11 of articles about classical-swine-fever
OIE 81st General Session: Recognition of official animal health status
Hungary: Commission to lift remaining classical swine fever restrictions
Bulgaria: FVO audits the measures for control and monitoring of classical swine fever
EU: Commission Decision repealing approving plans for the eradication of CSF in Germany, France and Slovakia
Latvia reports new outbreaks of Classical swine fever in wild boar
United States donates one million doses of Classical Swine Fever vaccine to Guatemala
Latvia: more classical swine fever subclinical infection in wild boars
ILRI: Boosting pig production among India’s poor
Latvia: Commission approves the plan for the eradication of classical swine fever in feral pigs
Increased viral load and prevalence of Torque teno sus virus 2 in pigs experimentally infected with classical swine fever virus
Clinical case: Mortality surge in integrated farm system in south-east Asia
The pen and farm charts indicated a rapid jump to 40 % mortality in several finisher sheds over one to 2 weeks.