articles about e-coli
Summary of the 27th IPVS and 15th ESPHM-ECPHM: sanitation, immunology, vaccines
In this second installment, Antonio Palomo summarizes the papers and posters on health, immunology, and vaccines presented at the latest edition of the IPVS and ESPHM-ECPHM in Leipzig.
55th AASV Annual Meeting summary: Miscellaneous
Antonio Palomo summarizes the presentations from the latest AASV, ranging from the future of the veterinary profession to the eradication of diseases, hog prices, and experiences in improving pig survival.
55th AASV Annual Meeting summary: Nutrition
Antonio Palomo summarizes the presentations on nutrition given at the latest edition of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV).
55th AASV Annual Meeting summary: Health
Antonio Palomo summarizes the presentations on swine health from the recent edition of the AASV that took place in Nashville (Tennessee).
Effect of supplementing sows and piglets with Bacillus spp. under E. coli challenge
Clinical case - Depopulation: What a pain streptococcus is!
In the end, depopulation was the option to reduce mortality and the excessive use of antibiotics in the nursery and subsequent phases.
Neonatal diarrhoea: Management key points in France
Neonatal diarrhoea is a serious problem for farmers and vets. Affected piglets can develop severe diarrhoea from 1–2 h to 7 days following birth.
Neonatal diarrhoea: Prevalence of enteric pathogens
The detection of a pathogen alone is not sufficient for elucidating the aetiology behind neonatal diarrhoea outbreaks. The diagnosis of neonatal diarrhoea is one of the most challenging ones in daily pig practice.
The impact of discontinuing perinatal antibiotic treatments in piglets
Side effects of perinatal medications on the microbiota can be detrimental to animal health.
Iowa State University student awarded 2023 Morrison Swine Innovator Prize
Carly Bates received the 2023 Morrison Swine Innovator Prize.
PCR assay as a diagnostic tool (2/2): Uses and interpretation of the results
How to interpret a negative or positive PCR result with specific examples of what could be happening.
Occurrence of bacterial and viral pathogens in suckling piglet diarrhoea - results from a European monitoring program
This study evaluated samples from different European countries to estimate the incidence of E. coli, C. perfringens, Rota and coronaviruses in the faeces of piglets suffering from neonatal diarrhoea.
Weaning without zinc oxide (3/3): The importance of environment, water, and other factors
This concludes our series of three articles with explanations from Alberto Garcia and Chretien Gielen about the measures to consider to reduce post-weaning diarrhea without the use of zinc oxide. We couldn't end without looking at key aspects such as the environment, water, and use of biologics.
Weaning without zinc oxide (1/3): Good weaning starts in the farrowing room
We spoke with Alberto Garcia (Inga Food SA, Spain) and Chretien Gielen (De Varkenspraktijk, The Netherlands), to discuss aspects related to weaning management and conditions.
Ceva launched sow vaccine against neonatal diarrhoea with 7 antigens inside
Enteroporc Coli AC offers the broadest protection against the 7 most relevant antigens in neonatal diarrhoea in a single vaccine.