Page 3 of articles about e-coli
Clinical case: ...and trouble arrived with them
Changes on the source of replacement animals are always difficult decisions. Monitoring through testing before the introduction of the new animals into the farm is not sufficient.
Competition to zap bugs on screen – and on the farm
A survey showed that one-third of herds tested positive to the causative agent of bowel oedema, the strains of E coli which excrete lethal shiga toxins.
A comparative study of the effects of Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfringens upon boar semen preserved in liquid storage
Post-weaning diarrhoea in piglets: preventive practices
List of practical measures applied in our daily work with good results. Those measures must be considered as a whole and never individually.
Clinical case: Importance of mycotoxins control for pig health: diarrhea, edema disease and E. coli vaccination failure in weaners
We were called for clinical problems on weaners that appeared a few days after a feed transition in a farrow-to-finish farm: swelling of the eyelids and forehead, incoordination, dyspnea and sudden death.
Sodium butyrate supplementation in lactating sows and nursery pigs
Blend of organic acids and medium chain fatty acids reduces diarrhoea in piglets challenged with ETEC K88
Prevalence and factors associated with the occurrence of bacterial enteropathogens in suckling piglets in farrow-to-finish herds
Clinical case: Bowel Oedema
This case study describes an outbreak in a commercial unit which proved difficult to stop without vaccine. Since 2014 an increasing number of cases of this disease have been reported in Europe though it remains unclear why it has reappeared.
E. coli scours: A practitioner’s view
To diagnose E. coli scours we must rule out all other causative agents of early nursery scours, including TGE, PEDv, PDCoV, Rotavirus, and Salmonellosis, and get a positive E. coli culture from piglet rectal swabs.
Medium chain fatty acids and/or Enterococcus faecium supplement for piglets feed
Protecting pigs with microbes
How can we expect our livestock to acquire a healthy microbiome when there is such limited exposure to the microbes that they evolved with?
A 10-day vacancy period after cleaning and disinfection has no effect on the bacterial load in pig nursery units
Mucosa immunity and E. coli
This article explains how E. coli breaks the complex intestinal barrier mechanisms in a comprehensible way.
Vaccination strategies for the prevention of oedema disease and diarrhoea caused by E.coli. Neonatal and post-weaning diarrhoea (2/2)
Achieving good levels of colostral immunity by vaccinating sows is the first step to prevent scours; subsequently, active pre or post-weaning immunization must be added to prevent post-weaning diarrhoea.