Laboratory diagnostics: Foot and mouth disease (FMD)
What laboratory diagnostic methods can I use to diagnose FMD? Which one should I choose according to the situation? How do I interpret the results?
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What laboratory diagnostic methods can I use to diagnose FMD? Which one should I choose according to the situation? How do I interpret the results?
The increase in the number of outbreaks in several North African countries and the recent detection of the SAT 2 serotype in Algeria increase the risk of disease entry.
BIOAFTOGEN®, the foot-and-mouth disease vaccine produced by Biogénesis Bagó is the first to obtain a prequalification by EuFMD, a commission belonging to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
Funding will provide Canada with a dedicated vaccine source to support the CFIA and industry in the event of an outbreak.
The purchases help increase U.S. preparedness to respond to high-consequence foreign animal diseases.
You've probably heard that one of the ways the ASF virus can enter a country is through contaminated food. Here's why it's so risky.
The Australian Government has banned the importation of meat products for personal use from all countries with foot and mouth disease.
The veterinary authorities have denied the presence of foot-and-mouth and swine vesicular disease.
The World Organisation for Animal Health has analyzed the current global situation through the World Animal Health Information System (WAHIS).
Boehringer Ingelheim will continue supplying antigen for a vaccine bank that protects U.S. livestock from a potential outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease.
A review of the effectiveness of sampling procedures, monitoring period, and minimum radius of the protection and surveillance zones for FMD.
Animal and feed transport vehicles from certain third countries with a risk of foot-and-mouth disease must be inspected upon return to the EU.
States and regions have met requirements such as improving official veterinary services and implementing a structured program to maintain a disease-free status.
The working group, North American Swine Health, was created by health authorities from Mexico, the United States, and Canada, in collaboration with the meat industry in each of the countries.