Page 13 of articles about influenza

EU - A/H1N1 virus rears its ugly head in… pigs

Researchers in Germany have added a twist to the pandemic currently affecting humans: the influenza virus A/H1N1 has been shown to be infectious in pigs and to spread quickly in a trial pig population. Published in The Journal of General Virology, the results of the study are part of the EU-funded EPIZONE ('Network on epizootic disease diagnosis and control') project, which is supported under the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) to the tune of EUR 14 million.

USA - AASV To Release H1N1 Recommendations

The American Association of Swine Veterinarians will release a document with recommendations on the Pandemic H1N1 disease and the risk it poses to the U.S. swine herd, according to Rodney “Butch” Baker, DVM, AASV president.

Canada to no longer quarantine swine with H1N1

Affected animals will be managed using the same veterinary management and biosecurity practices employed for other swine influenza viruses. This includes limiting opportunities for virus to spread to susceptible animals. Canada’s slaughter system contains multiple inspection points to ensure that only healthy animals enter the food supply.

OIE’s role in the pandemic influenza H1N1 2009

There remain many questions about this disease. In this respect, the OIE has made a call for enhanced surveillance among swine populations and enhanced on-farm biosecurity measures – including the protection of pigs from exposure to potentially infected people – and has stressed the importance of a strong cooperation between veterinary services and public health authorities.