Page 6 of articles about influenza
Association between IAV infection and pigs subpopulations in endemically infected breeding herds
The role of pigs in the generation of new strains of influenza
Pigs can act as a source of new influenza strains with zoonotic potential, but the increase of the genetic diversity of the swine influenza viruses is largely due to the introduction of influenza strains of human origin. Therefore, it is highly recommended that all staff that has frequent contact with pigs should be vaccinated against influenza.
Prevalence and diversity of swine influenza virus in Europe
Genetic and antigenic diversity of influenza virus should be understood as something dynamic and constantly evolving. So, it is crucial to encourage active surveillance of SIV in order to improve our knowledge of the SIV strains present in the European pig and their particular prevalence and impact in swine production.
Duration of influenza infections in weaned pig populations
Influenza infections are self-limiting at the individual animal level with infection lasting between 5 and 7 days approximately. However, influenza virus is considered endemic in swine populations worldwide, and is not uncommon to find between 3 and 5% of pigs positive to influenza virus at slaughter.
Interaction between PRRSV and respiratory coronavirus or influenza virus
Enric Marco tells us that of late, it is relatively common to see fattening pigs in their final phase exhibiting respiratory symptoms that respond poorly to antibiotic treatments. In these cases, we usually think of PRRS virus; however raising the possibility of a mixed viral infection is less frequent...
Dynamics of Influenza virus in sow herds: control points
Replacement gilts recently introduced and piglets prior to weaning are the main risk groups.
Pathogenesis of Influenza A virus infection in swine
A perfect antigenic match is ideal because it will result in little to no virus replication/damage, shedding or clinical signs. However, if the virus is similar enough to have cross-reaction, the infection can be reduced to as few as 2-4 days.
Swine influenza virus infections in piglets
A relatively high proportion of young piglets in a farrowing unit of a herd with circulating swine influenza virus may be infected by SIV during the first weeks after birth revealing that not all piglets are protected by maternal antibodies.
Seroprevalence of selected swine viral pathogens
The high seroprevalences found supports the feeling you get in the field that PCV2, PRRSV, and SIV are very widespread viruses in our farms.
Detection and diagnosis of Influenza A virus infection and clinical disease in swine
As the Influenza A virus ecology has become more complex due to viral reassortment and mutation, so have the sample types and diagnostic tests available for detecting or diagnosing influenza infections in swine.