articles about lameness
Sow mortality: How and who? (1/2)
To reduce mortality, it is essential to diagnose the causes. To do so, we must answer four basic questions: how, who, when, and where? In this article, we'll address the first two.
The impact of discontinuing perinatal antibiotic treatments in piglets
Side effects of perinatal medications on the microbiota can be detrimental to animal health.
Clinical case: Lameness and paralysis of hindquarters in finishing pigs
This case describes the deferred lesions resulting from tail biting and quantifies the losses it causes.
Clinical case: Abnormal lameness in nursing piglets
In March 2021, a high percentage of severe lameness appeared in 12 to 17-day-old piglets, approximately 20% of the piglets present.
Causes of increased number of culled pregnant sows
The most frequent problems are reproductive and locomotive. What should I do if the percent among sows serviced is greater than 2%?
Do I have dead pregnant sows? What could be the cause?
If my farrowing rate is low, but the returns to estrus, abortions, and culled pregnant sows are all normal, I probably have dead sows...
Lameness and nutrition
This article reviews the effect of components of the diet on the bones and osteochondrosis, this being the main caused of lameness and a reason for the culling of young sows. Therefore, they are important concepts to bear in mind in the diets for the rearing of gilts.
Growth rate and lameness in replacement gilts
Does a high growth rate really increase the risk of osteochondrosis and lameness?
Pathological evaluation of claw lesions in culled sows from a Greek herd
Regional limb injection or systemic medication for the treatment of septic lameness in sows
Lameness blindness (2/2)
The number of sows that suffer some kind of leg injury is much higher than is apparent, and even more so in second farrowings.
Lameness blindness (1/2)
Apparently, lameness problems amount to just 5% of the causes for sending pigs to slaughter...
Clinical case: An unusual manifestation of Strep suis infection
At least 25% of the pigs from 2 to 3 weeks old were reported to be lame, some so severe that they lay in the arcs shaking and unable to stand.
The effect of feeding a diet formulated for developing gilts on lameness indicators and carcass traits
Clinical case: Leg lameness in gilts
After two weeks of quarantine, gilts started limping. Treatment with amoxycillins did not help, only treatment with high doses (10 mg/kg) of macrolides and spectinomycines brought a solution.