Page 2 of articles about pcv2
Global molecular genetic analysis of PCV2
The current diagnostic tests are very powerful, allowing us to detect even small changes in the genome of a virus, but what do they tell us?
The impact of intensive vaccination on PCV2 epidemiology
The decrease in PCV2a and PCV2b genotypes over time and the increase in PCV2d in 2012 may be due more to other, unknown, factors than to immunological selection resulting from PCV2a-based vaccination.
Detection of a novel circovirus PCV3 in pigs with cardiac and multi-systemic inflammation
Sampling for the detection of agents of the porcine respiratory disease complex: Bronchoalveolar lavage or bronchial scraping?
Many veterinarians find bronchial scraping a less invasive and, above all, simpler sampling method than bronchoalveolar lavage.
PCV3: A novel porcine circovirus associated with PDNS and reproductive failure
Impact of maternally derived immunity on piglets’ immune response and protection against PCV2 after vaccination at different age
Assessment of different samples to detect main swine respiratory pathogens
Infectious agents identified in aborted porcine foetuses
PCV-2 and PRRS are the most common infectious causes of abortions. Most abortions are also found to occur during the colder months, regardless of their cause.
The impact of 6 years of PCV2 vaccination on viral presence and immunity in pigs across the United States
PCV2 vaccination is nearly universal. Has viral presence decreased after 6 years of vaccination? Could vaccination policies be changed?
Influence of four commercial PCV2 vaccines on the improvement of production parameters in pigs with maternally derived antibodies
Influence of PCV2 vaccination on the level of antimicrobial consumption
Health protocols for replacements: respiratory and systemic diseases (2/3)
We are talking about PRRSV, M. hyo, PCV2, App and swine influenza virus.
National reduction in PCV2 prevalence following introduction of vaccination
Comparative efficacy of concurrent administration of a PCV2 vaccine plus a PRRSV in pigs challenged with both viruses
The challenge of Porcine Circovirus type 2 (PCV2) intra-specific taxonomic classification
All available vaccines in the European and North-American market are based on PCV2a genotype, while the most prevalent ones are PCV2b and PCV2d ones. Although significant level of cross-protection among these three genotypes has been demonstrated, it would be interesting to assess if vaccine efficiency would be equivalent in front of all these different genotypes.