Page 15 of articles about prrs
Interaction between PRRS and App
App control is an essential link to control pleuroneumonia in PRRS-positive herds.
Transmission routes, control and prevention of PRRS
PRRS virus infection can be considered common in areas of high pig density and, in such cases, the idea that biosecurity and can do little is widespread. However, proper biosecurity measures must be implemented in order to prevent the introduction of new strains.
Importance of sequential order of coinfection by PRRSV and PCV2
This article proves that, at least "in vitro" order matters. In PRRSV/PCV2 mixed infections, the consequences are worse when PRRSV infection occurs before or concurrently to PCV2 infection, than when the sequence is reversed.
Diagnosis of PRRS
Any tentative clinical diagnosis then should be confirmed by detection of PRRSV (infectious virus, viral antigens and/or viral genomic material) in affected pigs using laboratory methods in conjunction with typical lesions.
The Use of Transgenic Pigs in PRRSV Research
Pathology and virus distribution in the lung and lymphoid tissues of pigs inoculated with distinct Type 1 PRRS virus isolates
Interaction between PRRSV and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
Since a vast majority of commercial farms are endemically infected with M. hyopneumoniae, the control measures applied against PRRS should include measures against M. hyopneumoniae.
PRRS clinical aspects: epidemic and endemic phases
In areas with a high density of pigs, a large proportion of farms are endemically infected. In these situations, the group at the highest risk is the gilts.
Seroprevalence of selected swine viral pathogens
The high seroprevalences found supports the feeling you get in the field that PCV2, PRRSV, and SIV are very widespread viruses in our farms.
PRRSv infection in France: clinical and economic impact
The cost of PRRS ranges from €17 to €185/sow/year in the three studies presented.
The Dreaded Ps of Pork Production - PRRS and PEDV
China and EU share latest thinking on diagnostics and vaccination for improved disease control
Chile: start of PRRS monitoring of pig farms in Los Lagos
PRRS eradication in Chile: successful experience and disease re-break
From 2000 to 2007 a PRRSv eradication plan was developed successfully in Chile. in October 2013 the spread of a new PRRS virus to several important Chilean pig companies was confirmed.