Page 19 of articles about prrs
Characterization of homologous and heterologous adaptive immune responses in porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infection
Pleurisy: economic impact and strategies for management in swine farms
The prevalence of pleurisy is surprisingly high among pigs at slaughter. A recent review of available data ranged from 12.5% in the UK, 26% in Spain, to 41% of individual pigs slaughtered in one Norwegian study.
Ireland: PRRS outbreak
New Zealand MPI welcomes judgment on pork imports
Emergency vaccination alleviates highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infection after contact exposure
Profitability study on air filtration systems for PRRSV
This study demonstrates the added profitability that air filtration can give to sow farms located in highly dense swine regions. However, it is important to point out that these figures are long term averages and not necessarily predictors for individual herds.
PRRSV control strategies in Germany
More than half of the pig population is housed in only one region with a very high pig density and it is very likely that elimination would only be possible with the help of a mandatory national program supported by the EU.
United States: Wisconsin to require PRRS certificate
Mannan oligosaccharide modulates the immune responses in weanling pigs
Poor weaning transition ADG in is not correlated with pathological or immunological markers of enteric disease during a PRRSV outbreak
PRRS surveillance programs for farms, companies and regions
Surveillance includes the gathering, recording and analysis of data as well as the dissemination of information to interested parties so that actions can be taken to control disease.
Switzerland free from PRRS
Strategic management of the replacement gilts for sustainable PRRS control
The desired result of the strategic management of replacement gilts at a company level is to minimize the economical losses potentially caused by PRRS.
Clinical case: Sudden increase in stillborn piglets and suckling pigs mortality
The litter size of the recent and the last farrowing batches was significantly reduced, and the suckling pigs showed an obvious varying weight, condition and viability.