Page 20 of articles about prrs
Introduction, dissemination and perpetuation of PRRS virus in a region
Among the numerous genetically distinct isolates that are identified in high pig density areas every year, only a few are able to be transmitted between herds and even less able to widely spread and dominate the entire region or system.
New Zealand: pork industry appeals High Court ruling on imports
The Western Canada PRRS-Free Herd Certification Pilot Project has been a success
United States: the impact of PRRS on the cost of pig production
Elimination of PRRS in breeding herds
There are 3 potential options to stabilize BTW herds following an outbreak that have all proven successful over time. They have very different cost and risk profiles and a through economic assessment is needed to determine what the best course of action is for each new outbreak.
Gilt replacement strategies used in two swine production areas in Quebec in regard to PRRSv
PRRS afflicts breeders in Vietnam
Observational study of farms with air filtering against the PRRS virus in North America
This study, based on some 120,000 sows, quantifies the reduction of the risk of introducing PRRS viruses when using air filtering.
Regional PRRS control with an autogenous vaccination strategy
Evaluation of a needle-free injection device to prevent hematogenous transmission of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus
A systematic management strategy for breeding herds based on PRRS herd status
It was developed in USA as a way to improve communication of what needed to be done to improve the chances of success in stabilizing and managing breeding herds.
Vietnam: PRRS under control
Vietnam's swine industry suffers disease and price shocks
Effect of temperature and HR on ultraviolet inactivation of airborne PRRS virus
Clinical case: Outbreak of influenza in a PRRS and Mhyo stable herd
In July 2010 a severe respiratory disease occurred in the farm: coughing in gilts, and coughing and depression in fatteners concomitantly to an increase of the mean stillborn and mummified piglet rate in a batch of sows.