Page 101 of articles about swine-diseases

United Kingdom - Bovine TB found in wild boar for first time in UK

Scientists have found bovine TB in a feral wild boar for the first time in the UK. The discovery may raise fears among farmers that boars, along with badgers, could be contributing to bovine TB in cattle – but the researchers say the porcine species poses a low risk of spreading the disease to livestock or humans.

Canada - Government supports farmers by investing in animal health

The Government of Canada is investing up to $2 million to prevent and contain animal diseases. The funding for the Canadian Animal Health Coalition for the West Hawk Lake Zoning Initiative will help to monitor the movement of animals and agricultural products between eastern and western Canada.

China - Spread of foot and mouth disease

Since the first notification of the presence of foot and mouth disease in China, in March 2010, the OIE has reported the appearance of 10 new focal points spread throughout the country.