Page 101 of articles about swine-diseases

China - Spread of foot and mouth disease

Since the first notification of the presence of foot and mouth disease in China, in March 2010, the OIE has reported the appearance of 10 new focal points spread throughout the country.

Paraguay passes the Swine Health Plan

The National Service of Animal Quality and Health (SENACSA) of Paraguay last week announced, by the signing of the Presidential Decree Nº 4,214, the passing of the National Plan for Swine Health of Paraguay and the Program for the Eradication of classical swine fever.

Poland - Information on the Aujeszky’s disease situation

The latest figures presented to the European Commission by the Polish veterinary authorities on the status of Aujeszky’s disease in Poland indicate that from a total of 16 regions, there are 8 with a prevalence of 0.5% while the other 8 have a prevalence of between 0.5% and 5%, while there are no zones with a prevalence of over 5%.