Page 103 of articles about swine-diseases

USA - Homeland security renews Animal Disease Centers

Efforts to protect the nation from potentially catastrophic animal diseases will continue with a $21 million package from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to Texas A&M University and Kansas State University. The monies will support the homeland security department's Center of Excellence for Foreign Animal and Zoonotic Disease Defense at the universities through 2016.

European Union - EFSA: Scientific opinion on African Swine Fever

Following a request from The European Commission, the Panel on Animal Health and Welfare was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on African Swine Fever and to assess: • the significance of the occurrence and risk of endemicity of ASF in the countries neighbouring the EU • the possibility of ASF becoming endemic in domestic pigs and to maintaining itself in a wild boar population in the EU, keeping in mind the differences in virulence of ASF virus strains, in particular the virus strains which are now endemic in the Caucasus region; • the role played by vectors in the spread and the maintenance of ASF and provide geographical information and maps of Member States displaying the geographical distribution of Ornithodoros erraticus as well as other potential invertebrate hosts.

Annual Advancement in PRRS Research Award

Despite years of hard work by scientists, researchers, practicing veterinarians, pork producers, animal health companies, and others, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) remains a costly, frustrating challenge to the global swine industry.

Vaccine against tapeworm - First field study is positive

A field study with a vaccine against the pork tapeworm, in spite of its name one of the tapeworms affecting humans, was able to break the infection cycle. It is the first time a vaccine against a parasite can eliminate transmission. The study was carried out in Cameroon by Emmanuel Assana, researcher at the Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp.