Page 107 of articles about swine-diseases

Netherlands – New agreement for financing disease control

The Ministry for Agriculture and the national organizations for producing livestock and meat (PVV), poultry and eggs (PPE), and dairy products (PZ), have arrived to a financial agreement for a program of control of infectious diseases in animals for the period 2010-2014.

Mexico -A/H1N1 2009 influenza virus present in pigs

The OIE has reported on a source of 2009 H1N1 flu detected at the end of April 2009 in a swine herd situated in the municipality of Colon, in the Mexican state of Queretaro. The outbreak was considered as finished during the month of May 2009.

USA - NC state vets lead way in disaster response for animals

North Carolina State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine is helping to fill the need through a unique initiative that requires all of its students to receive disaster training, providing a new generation of leaders in veterinary medicine and disaster response.

Russia - ASF situation

The situation connected with fulfillment of state measures on control of spread of the African swine fever in the territory of Russia has been discussed during the Session of the Intergovernmental Commission that was chaired by Elena Skrynnik, Minister of Agriculture.