Page 112 of articles about swine-diseases

Lithuania – Classical Swine Fever outbreak

On 11 July 2009 the veterinary authorities in Lithuania informed of the presence of a focal point of Classical Swine Fever (CSF) in a swine herd of 445 animals in the town of Rabika in the Panevezys province in the central zone of the Baltic country.

Risk factors

On a conventional farm with no problems with Glässer’s disease, it is possible to isolate various strains of Haemophilus parasuis which colonise piglets while being in balance with the animal’s immunity without producing pathology.

EU- EFSA: Animal health safety of fresh meat derived from pigs vaccinated against Classic Swine Fever

In order to support and to improve the control and eradication measures as regards CSF in domestic pigs, EFSA was requested by the Commission to provide scientific advice on the safety of fresh meat (freedom from field virus) derived from vaccinated pigs. Specifically, two terms of reference were given: a) what is the risk that wild-type CSF virus is present in fresh meat obtained from pigs vaccinated in an emergency situation during an outbreak?; and b) what are the sampling schemes and testing procedures needed to detect field virus in fresh meat derived from such vaccinated pigs?

Canada - Change to circovirus vaccine program

The federal government has made changes to its eligibility criteria for the Circovirus Inoculation Program. Applicants deemed to be part of a verifiable production flow will now receive compensation for the vaccination of sows.

EU - EFSA: opinion on porcine brucellosis

Following a request from the European Commission (DG Health and Consumer Protection), the Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW) was requested for an opinion on porcine brucellosis (Brucella suis).

Philippines - PRRS spreads to 20 Pampanga, Bulacan towns

The PRRS outbreak in backyard farms has spread to 20 towns in Pampanga and Bulacan provinces, two of the leading pig production areas in the Philippines. In Pampanga, some 3,138 pigs were confirmed with the infection and 760 have died. The outbreak has already crossed borders and reached the five towns in neighbouring Bulacan province.

Argentina - Pig farm tests positive for A/H1N1 influenza virus

The human strain of the virus A/H1N1 was detected by Argentina’s Animal Health and Sanitation Service (SENASA) in the framework of epidemiology vigilance activities permanently displayed. The infected farm is located in San Andrés de Giles, province of Buenos Aires. (Original in Spanish. Read Google translation here).