Page 114 of articles about swine-diseases
Risk and/or triggering factors of porcine circovirus
Between 1995 and 1997, at the beginning of an epizootic called “maladie de l’amagrissement du porcelet” (MAP), it was observed that the farms that were most affected and that had the most losses, generally presented obvious deviations from what we would consider to be a suitable management of the animals and facilities. This is why Dr. François Madec made a list of management practices with the aim of improving the anomalous situation observed.
United Kingdom - New scheme to improve health of pig herds
FAO - Regional plan for FMD control approved
FAO urges countries to closely monitor H1N1 in pigs
OIE - Novel A/H1N1 influenza virus identified in a Canadian swine herd
Canada - An Alberta Swine Herd Investigated for H1N1 Flu Virus
North-American human influenza
Swine influenza: epidemiology and emergence of new viruses
The Ebola Reston virus in Philippine pigs
Philippines fails to secure FMD-free status
China - New outbreak of Foot and mouth disease
Immunology against PCV2: What difference is there between a subclinically affected animal and an animal with porcine circovirus?
Information on swine flu in
Here you will find all the articles published in on swine flu