Page 116 of articles about swine-diseases

Brazil - Classical Swine Fever

The OIE has informed about de reoccurrence of classical swine fever (CSF) in a modern pig farm owned by a federal university, located in Mossoró (Rio Grande Do Norte). Quarantine measures are applied on the farm. The outbreak is located outside the area declared as free of classical swine fever. Vaccination remains prohibited in the outbreak area as well as throughout the country.

Spain – Reinforcement of the programme against Aujeszky’s disease

The Spanish government have passed new normatives with the aim of stabilizing the zones which have reached a very low prevalence of Aujeszky’s disease, and of continuing to advance the qualification of herds in order to increase the territory which is free from the disease. (Original in Spanish. Read Google translation here).

Germany - Vaccination plans for classical swine fever

Comission Decision of 20 March 2009 amending Decision 2003/135/EC as regards the eradication and emergency vaccination plans for classical swine fever in feral pigs in certain areas of the Federal States of North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate.

Vietnam - Blue-ear pig epidemic spreads wide in central Quang Nam

Blue-ear pig disease has spread to new areas of the central Quang Nam province of Vietnam, said the Animal Health Department of Vietnam's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on Wednesday. The epidemic has struck pig herds in 31 communes of four districts of the province, said the department.

Denmark - New salmonella plan

Danish Bacon and Meat Council will change the priorities in its new plan of action against salmonella called SH IV, representing the fourth plan in a row. The new plan is supposed to improve the struggle against salmonella without great additional cost for the industry.

Philippines - Hog culling over; 6,000 pigs killed

The Bureau of Animal Industry has finished culling over 6,000 hogs on a farm in Pandi, Bulacan to stop the transmission of the Ebola Reston virus or ERV. BAI Director Davinio Catbagan said in a report that the depopulation process was completed at 8:15 p.m. Friday with 6,210 hogs of various ages killed, burned, and buried.

Spain - Project for controlling salmonella in Iberian pigs

The University of Cordoba, the Andalusian Cooperative Society for Agriculture and Farming from Valle de Los Pedroches (COVAP) and the PigChamp Pro-Europa company are developing a pioneering project in Andalusia to control and minimize the presence of salmonella in the iberian pig, in order to improve animal welfare and the food safety of the product. (Original in Spanish. Read Google translation here).

Israel – Classical Swine Fever

The population of the pigs in the farm is divided into two premises which are 70m far from each other. The affected animals were discovered only in one of the two premises where 500 pregnant sows and 6 males stay. Clinical signs were fever, anorexia, multifocal hyperemia and hemorrhagic lesions of the skin, vomiting, coughing, ataxia and death. Post-mortem investigation has revealed lesions that fit classical swine fever.

New vaccine strategy with chimeric virus particles without adjuvant

Researchers of the CReSA, in collaboration with researchers of the Centro de Investigación en Sanidad Animal (CISA-INIA) and Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB-CSIC) have been able to obtain a protective anti-viral cytotoxic response using chimeric calicivirus-like particles without adjuvant.