Page 28 of articles about swine-diseases
Paraguay expects to obtain the classical swine fever-free country status
Argentina: progress in cooperation with China on Animal Health
United Kingdom: upward trend of PRRS diagnoses
The veterinary services of the Southern Cone will emphasize common Animal Health measures
FAO: Raising African swine fever awareness in Eastern Europe
Compared infection of SPF pigs with a French or a East‐European highly pathogenic PRRSv strain
Airborne transmission of PED virus and effect of EPI system on decreasing airborne swine viruses
Chile is very close to being declared free of Classical Swine fever
United States: PEDv Confirmed in Georgia
Brazil: advances in the recognition of RS and SC as free of CSF
FAO: Fight against brucellosis moves from strategy to action in Georgia
Colombia: the ICA invests some $6,300 million to support agriculture and livestock health
Control and elimination of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
Today, nearly all genetic suppliers of replacement breeding stock in North America are free of M.hyo.