Page 39 of articles about swine-diseases
Chile: implementation of a programme for the control and eradication of PRRS
Russia: three new foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks
New OIE international standards and guidelines on animal health
Russia imposes temporary restrictions on import of pigs from the USA
Russia: working meeting with EUFMD representatives
Korea recognised free from FMD with vaccination
Effect of PCV2 vaccination on PCV2-viremic piglets after experimental PCV2 challenge
USA: PED virus appears to be slowing
Russia: more cases of Foot and mouth disease in pigs
Colombia: the ICA evaluates the Classical Swine Fever status in the country
Swine influenza viruses: mechanisms of evolution and current diversity in European pigs
Four virus lineages, having clearly distinguishable HA, are currently co-circulating in European pigs and can be considered as enzootic viruses, even if their relative prevalence and level of incidence vary from one country to another.