Page 53 of articles about swine-diseases
United States: antibiotic resistance threats, 2013
United States: ISU veterinary researchers develop new test to detect PEDV antibodies
Genomics and pig health
One of the greatest long-term potentials for genomic selection is to identify specific genes or genomic regions with a significant impact on pig health and to aid selection for disease resistance and/or disease tolerance.
Commission provides financial support to 4 Member States to combat African Swine Fever
Ohio State researcher develops innovative vaccine for profit-draining swine virus
Russia confirms a new outbreak of foot and mouth disease
Exploring the prevalence of M. hyorinis, M. hyosynoviae, and M. hyopneumoniae, across various age groups using various sampling techniques
Clinical case: Impact of clinical and subclinical forms of ileitis on the same fattening farm
Ileitis can take different forms, and it is frequent that a subclinical and a more severe and clinical form coincide.
The blurred border between porcine circovirus type 2-systemic disease and porcine respiratory disease complex
The EU publishes an informative brochure on ASF
Russia lifts temporary restrictions on imports of breeding pigs from Lithuania
Effect of influenza vaccination on influenza bioaerosol generation
Russia bans pork imports from Belarus
Colombia: classical swine fever outbreak
Vaccination against PRRSV: a practical approach
In general terms, immunization through vaccination is the easiest and safest way to stabilize a herd.