Page 55 of articles about swine-diseases
Lithuania bans imports of live pigs and pork from Belarus
Reproductive failure by PCV2 infections
PCV2 may reach embryos/foetuses upon transplacental spread during viremia or upon insemination with contaminated semen.
United States: PEDv update
Mongolia:first occurrence of serotype A of foot and mouth
Program of vaccination and antibiotic treatment to control polyserositis caused by Haemophilus parasuis under field conditions
Germany: The Medicines Law amendment has been approved
Assessment of the economic impact of PRRS virus on United States pork producers
Belarus confirms a second outbreak of African Swine Fever
Dynamics of Mycoplasma hyorhinis infection in commercial swine herds
Knowledge of the dynamics of infection within the herd will allow implementation of better control strategies in affected herds.
Clinical case: Exudative epidermitis with Staphylococcus hyicus and Staphylococcus chromogenes
This particular case occurred in a multisite farrow to finish operation in South Western Ontario, Canada.
MRSA in pigs and farm workers on conventional and antibiotic-free swine farms in the USA
Russia confirms three outbreaks of FMD
Croatia: animal health control measures relating to classical swine fever
PRRS Immunology
Resolving the basis of viral and host variation will require identification and characterization of key B- and T-cell epitopes conserved among diverse PRRSV, and of the molecular and structural details of key effector antibodies, T-cell antigen receptors, and MHC molecules that mediate broad, cross-protective immunity.