Page 65 of articles about swine-diseases
IFAH white paper underlines the economic and social costs of animal diseases
Guatemala: new outbreak of classical swine fever
Clinical case: Episode with a high mortality in the weaning stage
The nervous system symptomatology is characterized by some cases of meningitis and opistothonus, dizziness and serious deep depression in a great number of animals. The necropsy shows, in all the cases, a serious lung congestion and an enteritis with a variable seriousness with a more or less important involvement of the mesenteric lymph nodes.
Preliminary study of Porcine circovirus type 2 and Torque teno sus virus coinfection frequencies in Brazilian pig herds
The Western Canada PRRS-Free Herd Certification Pilot Project has been a success
African Swine Fever virus uses macropinocytosis to enter host cells
Effect of the viraemia due to the porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) on production parameters
The most effective way of avoiding the production losses associated with the PCV2 consists in avoiding the appearance of the viraemia by inducing a passive or an active immunity that minimizes the circulation of the virus in the farm.