Page 66 of articles about swine-diseases
Effect of mixing piglets affected by Escherichia coli diarrhea on growth and welfare responses
Netherlands starts building activities of the National Animal Facility for zoonotic research
Elimination of PRRS in breeding herds
There are 3 potential options to stabilize BTW herds following an outbreak that have all proven successful over time. They have very different cost and risk profiles and a through economic assessment is needed to determine what the best course of action is for each new outbreak.
Subclinical ileitis: Diagnostic and performance parameters in a multi-dose mucosal homogenate challenge model
Mexico has declared Tabasco as free of Aujeszky's disease
Russia: new outbreak of African swine fever
Mexico: Japan authorizes the entry of fresh pork from Jalisco
China: outbreak of foot and mouth disease in Tibet
Clinical case: Acute gastric ulcers
This case describes an acute outbreak of gastric ulcers in pigs of 30-40 kg live weight that affected 38 farms throughout a year and that presented mortalities from a 5% up to a 40% depending on the severity of the cases.