Page 84 of articles about swine-diseases

Taiwan - Foot and mouth disease

During the routine active FMD serological surveillance, NSP antibodies were detected on 2 pig farms located in Chang-Hua (Tianwei township; Yongjing township).

Lithuania reports an outbreak of classical swine fever

On 1st June 2011, in the central part of Lithuania, in the village of Šils, during an investigation in the pig farm of the joint-stock company “Beržs kompleksas”, an outbreak of classical swine fever (CSF) was confirmed by the National Food and Veterinary Risk Assessment Institute (NFVRAI), which is the designated National Reference Laboratory for CSF of Lithuania.

Vietnam boosts animal vaccine reserve

Vietnam’s prime minister has allocated an additional VND 70.6 billion (USD3.36 million) for the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to buy animal-disease vaccine and disinfection chemicals for national reserve in 2011.

Philippines can now export livestock, pork products

Filipino livestock and hog raisers, and meat processors can now export ‘Pinoy’ livestock and pork products to the rest of the world, as the entire Philippines was recently certified free from the dreaded foot and mouth disease (FMD) without vaccination by the Office International des Epizooties (OIE) or World Organization for Animal Health.

FAO - Concerted international effort urged on African Swine Fever

Warning of a likely imminent upsurge of a deadly pig disease in the Caucasus region and Russian Federation, FAO today called on affected countries to step up precautionary measures and for a concerted international effort to prevent the infection spreading more widely across the Northern Hemisphere.

USA - Texas becomes swine brucellosis free

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is amending the brucellosis regulations concerning the interstate movement of swine by adding Texas to the list of validated brucellosis-free states.

Cameroon - African swine fever wreaking havoc

Pig farmers in Cameroon's northern parts are at wits end contemplating their future and survival following a resurgence of the African swine fever. In recent days, entire farms have been wiped out by the disease, eclipsing sources of livelihood for hundreds of farmers in the country's main pork producing hub.