Page 86 of articles about swine-diseases

Detection of Porcine Endogenous Retrovirus (PERV) viremia in diseased versus healthy US pigs by qualitative and quantitative real-time RT-PCR

Previous studies have linked levels of porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERV) with poor health and disease in pigs. To determine the levels of expression of PERVs and their potential association with disease expression, real-time reverse transcriptase (RT) PCR assays were used to assess PERV-ABC, PERV-C and PERV-A/C levels in three commercial swine operations in the United States.

Bulgaria – New outbreak of FMD

On 7 April 2011, the Bulgarian authorities informed the Commission about the confirmation of a new FMD outbreak (outbreak 11) in domestic animals in Sredets municipality.

Russia - ASF outbreak in the Arkhangelsk oblast

The All-Russia Research Institute of Veterinary Virology and Microbiology tested pathological material taken from pigs found dead in the private holding in closed administrative-territorial unit Mirny, Plesetsky Rayon, the Arkhangelsk Oblast.

China – New outbreak of FMD

According to information submitted to the OIE by Dr Zhang Zhongqui, Director General , China Animal Disease Control Centre, a new outbreak of FMD has been confirmed in Jing Xiang village (GUIZHOU).

Colibacilosis in lactating piglets

Escherichia coli is an enterobacteria that forms part of the normal intestinal microbiota of healthy animals. Usually, E. coli present in animals are communal antipathogenic strains and they even play a beneficial role, since they compete in several ways with the pathogenic strains in the ecological niche of the lumen.

Elimination of Porcine Respiratory Coronavirus

A research protocol was designed to eradicate the virus in pigs sourced from a PRCV positive sow herd. The sow herd is a 150 farrow to finish herd, under one roof, and is PRRS and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae negative. Forty piglets were weaned from nursing gilts/sows at 5 days of age and removed to a separate nursery which had been thoroughly disinfected and cleaned.