Page 95 of articles about swine-diseases

Pyelonephritis in slaughter pigs and sows: Morphological characterization and aspects of pathogenesis and aetiology

E. coli played a significant role in the aetiology of pyelonephritis. Neutrophils were involved in the first line of defence. CD3ε T-lymphocytes were involved in both the acute and chronic inflammatory response while a humoral immune response was most pronounced in later inflammatory stages. The observed renal lesions correspond with an ascending bacterial infection with presence of intra-renal reflux.

Chad - African swine fever

The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) received an immediate notification about an outbreak of classical swine fever in Chad.

United Kingdom - Industry calls on Defra to help curb TB in pigs

Pig industry leaders have asked Defra to work with them to develop a ‘sensible’ TB policy for pigs amid growing concern about current levels of disease in the species. In the past 18 months alone, 40 individual cases of bovine TB have been identified in pigs – the same number detected between 2002 and 2008.

Watch out for Aujeszky’s

The recent discovery of Aujeszky’s Disease in pigs in the Pyrenees Atlantic region of France reminds us that we cannot take the absence of notifiable diseases for granted.

Mongolia - MNT300 Million for FMD

As the spread of FMD still continued and the disease outbreak risk is still high, the Cabinet has decided to allocate MNT300 million for the purchase of 600,000 dozes of vaccine from Russia and for injection costs.

Use of a production region model to evaluate aerosol transmission and biosecurity of PRRSV and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae: Results from a 3-year study

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M hyo) are re-emerging diseases of pigs and growing threats to the global swine industry. For sustainable disease control, it is critical to prevent the spread of these pathogens between pig populations; therefore, a clear understanding of the role of aerosol transmission is needed along with information on how to reduce this risk.

Japan will shortly apply to the OIE for recovery of status “Freedom from Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) without vaccination”

Since, on 6 October 2010, 3 months will have passed after the destruction of the last case, Japan will shortly apply to the OIE for recovery of status “Freedom from Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) without vaccination”, providing the dossier required to be evaluated by the Scientific Commission for Animal Disease (SCAD), in accordance with the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code.