Page 10 of articles about vaccine
Efficacy evaluation of the C-strain-based vaccines against the subgenotype 2.1d classical swine fever virus emerging in China
Introduction of replacement gilts to PRRS-positive sow herds
A study was performed including 69 PRRS-positive sow herds with the aim of comparing the use of PRRSV MLV and quarantine facilities with the PRRSV status of replacement gilts at first insemination.
Importance of Hepatitis E virus in pigs
As the risk of HEV exposure appears to rise in the human population an opportunity for production and certification of HEV free meat products, especially pork, is emerging.
Adenovirus-vectored vaccine confers protection against FMDV O1 Manisa in swine
The impact of intensive vaccination on PCV2 epidemiology
The decrease in PCV2a and PCV2b genotypes over time and the increase in PCV2d in 2012 may be due more to other, unknown, factors than to immunological selection resulting from PCV2a-based vaccination.
No clear effect of initiating vaccination on the amounts of prescribed antimicrobials
PRRSV control using vaccination and optimized management: three case studies
Although the use of vaccination was effective in stabilizing the sows, the results of these case studies emphasized that elimination of PRRSV from the nursery can only be accomplished if vaccination and partial depopulation/ disinfection are supported by strict implementation of all recommended management procedures, including AI/AO.
Update on novel experimental pig vaccine approaches
Prevention of the disease caused by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App)
This article explains the main preventive measures against App, focusing on the use of antimicrobials and vaccines.
Impact of maternally derived immunity on piglets’ immune response and protection against PCV2 after vaccination at different age
Humoral immune responses and viral shedding following vaccination with modified live PRRSv vaccines
Clinical case: Bowel Oedema
This case study describes an outbreak in a commercial unit which proved difficult to stop without vaccine. Since 2014 an increasing number of cases of this disease have been reported in Europe though it remains unclear why it has reappeared.
Commission approves acquisition of Sanofi's animal health business Merial by Boehringer Ingelheim, subject to conditions
Immunisation of fattening pigs against influenza: a case study
The reasons behind the vaccination against influenza virus on a group of fattenig units with recurrent respiratory clinical pictures that belong to an integrated production system are discussed. Impact on production parameters and economic results are also shown.
Vaccination strategies for the prevention of oedema disease and diarrhoea caused by E.coli. Neonatal and post-weaning diarrhoea (2/2)
Achieving good levels of colostral immunity by vaccinating sows is the first step to prevent scours; subsequently, active pre or post-weaning immunization must be added to prevent post-weaning diarrhoea.