Page 14 of articles about vaccine
Vaccination influences the evolution of classical swine fever virus
United States: USDA licenses first vaccine for PED
Effect of PCV2 vaccination on PCV2-viremic piglets after experimental PCV2 challenge
Clinical case: Outbreaks of respiratory and reproductive disorder in a pig farm
After the clinical and serological evaluation it is decided to vaccinate against PRRSV, with which we achieve a gradual improvement in the health status on the farm. Some months later, a severe cough appears in the fattening pigs that later also appears in the nursery and in the sows.
Vaccination failures in the control of PCV disease
The first cause of PCV vaccine failure is the purchase and use of generic vaccine of low quality and titre, but the exact cause of the failures can occur in various forms.
Influence of age on the effectiveness of PCV2 vaccination in piglets with high levels of maternally derived antibodies
Novel PCV2 variants also known as mutant PCV2: Are current vaccines protective?
During 2012 PCV2 variants or mutants (mPCV2) appeared in the USA and were frequently associated with PCV-associated diseases. The possibility of lack of cross-protection of commercial vaccines against mPCV2 is now of major concern.
Humoral response and colostral antibody transfer following 'one-dose' pre-mating vaccination of sows against porcine circovirus type-2
Modelling PCV2 course of infection in a farrow-to-finish farm
Reducing piglets mingling in farrowing and nursery facilities was found to delay the infectious process leading to a lower number of early infections. Clustering piglets by litter in small units after weaning also decreased significantly the probability of early infection.
Clinical case: The human factor as the cause of erysipelas outbreak
Frequent deaths and cases of disease with typical “diamond-skin” lesions appeared in fattening pigs although they were vaccinated against Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae.
The path to profitability – assessing when the benefit of animal health interventions justifies the cost in wean-to-market
What further increases profitability in pig production is not minimizing costs, but maximizing revenue.