Page 11 of articles about lactation

Trailblazing research provides new knowledge about sow milk production

Scientists from Aarhus University’s Research Centre Foulum have developed a pig model that can provide answers to how pregnant and lactating sows should be fed to improve their milk production. The model, which is the first of its kind in the world, is expected to provide knowledge that makes it possible to reduce piglet mortality.

Colibacilosis in lactating piglets

Escherichia coli is an enterobacteria that forms part of the normal intestinal microbiota of healthy animals. Usually, E. coli present in animals are communal antipathogenic strains and they even play a beneficial role, since they compete in several ways with the pathogenic strains in the ecological niche of the lumen.

JYGA Technologies Launches its New Website

JYGA Technologies is proud to release its new website: Not only does this new website provide a lot more precise information about our product, the Gestal system, but it will allow us to share with producers our knowledge and expertise in lactating sow feeding strategies.

Ketosis syndrome in sows

It’s true that we have rarely considered the sow as a dairy animal. A sow can produce up to 10 liters of milk at its production peak. If we consider that the effort the sow makes per hour in order to produce milk is almost equal to that of a cow, why do we continue to apply a collective treatment when it comes to feeding the sow?