Page 12 of articles about lactation
Body reserve mobilization during lactation in first parity sows and its effect on second litter size
Impact of an extended photoperiod in farrowing houses on the performance and behaviour of sows and their litters
Newborn Piglets & Bottle Fed Baby Piggy
Piglets are born. One gets accidently stepped on by Mama. She was stitched up and although Mama wanted to take her back in, the piglet was scared to death of her. She ended up being a bottle fed pig much to the delight of the children.
The evaluation of feeding lactating sows on grams of lysine compared to percent of lysine in the diet
Playing and fighting by piglets around weaning on farms, employing individual or group housing of lactating sows
Dietary protein intake and stage of lactation differentially modulate amino acid transporter mRNA abundance in porcine mammary tissue
Hormone management (II)
When the sow is pregnant, the corpus luteum remains and continues to produce progesterone. While the levels of progesterone are high the sow does not become in heat and maintains gestation.
Diagnosis of skin diseases (1/2)
Piglet colostrum intake
Colostrum offers 3 essential properties to the piglet: very useful energy source (vital for generating movement and avoiding temperature loss), immune supply (protects against germs that the piglet begins to come into contact with) and natural growth factors (complete the maturity of the piglet).
Piglets chomping on their mother
A litter of piglets in Thailand. One piglet struggles to get a teat.
Oral administration recombinant porcine epidermal growth factor enhances the jejunal digestive enzyme genes expression and activity of early-weaned piglets
What is the best age for weaning piglets? (2/3)
Normally the productivity of the sow is valued for the number of litters/sow/year multiplied by the number of weaned piglets per litter.