Page 8 of articles about lactation
Sow dietary fatty acid profile alters fat metabolism and fatty acid composition in weanling pigs
Health indicators of sows and offspring in sows fed genetically modified maize
Influence of the feed form when feeding breeding sows
One of the most frequent recommendations for improving the feed consumption in sows during lactation is using pelleted feed instead of meal. Nevertheless, this recommendation is not very well supported by experimental evidences.
Rapeseed meal on gestation and lactation diets on the performance of sows and their litters
Alpha-lipoic acid on antioxidative ability and performance of sows and nursing piglets
The use of crystalline amino acids in lactating sow diets
Effect of split weaning on sow ovulatory responses to injection of gonadotrophins during lactation
The consumption of milk without restrictions does not guarantee the production success of the piglet after its weaning
The piglets that suckle in the rear area of the udder start to eat feed before, and this would explain their better adaptation to the weaning.
Effects of feeding rapeseed meal during gestation and lactation on the performance of hyperprolific sows and their litters
Lysine to metabolizable energy ratio affects growth performance, blood metabolites and hormones of lactating sows
Effect of meal frequency on performance and behaviour of group‐housed gestating sows
Dietary fat supplementation on sow and litter performance in high ambient temperatures
Nurse sows
As of the 3rd-4th day of lactation it is not recommendable anymore to replace small piglets and piglets with poor a growth rate for good piglets, because it is probable that the teat that has to be used has already dried off due to the scarce stimulation received for several consecutive days.