Page 5 of articles about legislation
ASF China: 10 government regulations to end the battle
Brazil and Argentina: cooperation in the agricultural sector
The two countries approved model certificates for the export of Brazilian boar semen.
United Kingdom: new immigration rules threaten veterinary workforce
EU-Vietnam free trade deal approved by Parliament
EU a step closer to region-to-region trade with Southeast Asia, eliminating tariffs on pork.
US passes bill to protect the nation from foreign animal diseases
"Protecting America's Food and Agriculture Act of 2019" gives funding to increase national biosecurity.
Denmark: animals are sentient beings according to new and consolidated animal welfare laws
Belgium legislation recognizes animals as sentient beings
Brazil bans the use of tylosin, lincomycin and thiamulin as growth promoters
Brazil bans the import, manufacture, sale and use of tylosin, lincomycin and thiamulin as growth promoters.