Page 3 of articles about management in Press releases
United Pork Americas will hold swine industry start-up contest
Maple Leaf Foods to complete conversion of all sow barns to open housing system in 2021
The world class animal care program makes Maple Leaf a North American leader in producing pigs without gestation crates.
EuroTier 2022 with guiding theme "Transforming Animal Farming"
Next EuroTier und EnergyDecentral trade fairs from 15 to 18 November 2022 in Hanover – Platform for innovations and solution strategies – also available on DLG’s online platform
SEGES: Freedom for sows during farrowing and lactation is the future
Sharing knowledge and experiences is a key component of success in implementing the forthcoming changes in sow housing. This was highlighted at the international workshop “Freedom in Farrowing and Lactation 2021”.
CP Foods shares safety tips with contract farmers in light of new COVID-19 wave
Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited (CP Foods) proceeds with animal farm "SEAL" along with other safety measures to safeguard workers and protect animals from significant diseases.
CP Foods: Humane farming model with animal welfare innovations
Charoen Pokphand Foods unveils animal welfare innovations to create a model that promote humane principles for husbandary.
IPVS 2022: Brazilian pork chain strengthens welfare as a pillar of production
Correct management, considering animal welfare, seeks to minimize injuries, diseases or stress to pigs and provides greater safety for the movement of animals
Farmex: Pigging out on technology
Farmex has used technology to help farmers and managers to use technology more confidently.
PIC Sow management: Top trends to watch
Three industry veterans discuss sow management trends and offer predictions for the future.
New intelligent software for veterinarian and farmer from VetAsyst
CP Foods assures meat with animal welfare practices is safe to consume
Charoen Pokphand Foods PCL has developed animal welfare practices together with a biosecurity system to ensure healthy animals and safe, quality meats.
CP Foods moves up one tier on the latest Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare report
Charoen Pokphand Foods shows significant development in the areas of Innovation and Leadership as well as Performance Reporting and Impact.
International Conference on Pig Survivability set for Oct. 27-28
The conference objective is to facilitate the discussion and dissemination of the most current information relative to sow, litter, weaned pig and grow-finish mortality.
Iowa Pork Regional Conferences to offer health, water, economics, people information
Former Iowa State Extension swine specialist recognized as Honorary Master Pork Producer
Tom Miller honored with the Honorary Master Pork Producer Award during the 2021 Iowa Pork Congress Recognition Banquet.