Page 3 of articles about fattening
Effects of sex and dietary lysine on performances and serum and meat traits in finisher pigs
Strategies to minimize heat stress in fattening pigs in summer
The article suggests various environmental and feed program changes and assesses their effect on pig performance and feed cost.
Effects of ambient temperature on energy and nitrogen utilization in lipopolysaccharide-challenged growing pigs
Use of canola meal with DDGS in diets for growing-finishing barrows and gilts
Dietary lysine content and sanitation conditions on performance of weaned pigs fed antibiotic-free diets
Effects on carcass quality of a compensatory growth strategy with use of by-products in fattening pigs
Zinc amino acid complex on gut integrity in heat-stressed growing pigs
Fulvic acid affects growth performance and meat quality in growing-finishing pigs
Improving feed efficiency in fattening pigs through sensorial stimulation
Meta-analysis on the effects of the physical environment, animal traits, feeder and feed characteristics on the feeding behaviour and performance of growing-finishing pigs
Phytase supplementation on nutrient digestibility, mineral utilization and performance in growing pigs
Clinical case: Impact of clinical and subclinical forms of ileitis on the same fattening farm
Ileitis can take different forms, and it is frequent that a subclinical and a more severe and clinical form coincide.