Page 12 of articles about management
Tip: Small but effective PPE
Goggles, masks, earplugs, helmets, boots... We use a lot of PPE on farms, but maybe you hadn't thought of how to protect your fingers when grinding teeth. We'll show you.
Impact of birth weight and daily weight gain during suckling on the weight gain of weaning piglets
Cloudfarms cooperates with SUISAG to launch innovative application enabling individual tracking of pigs from birth to processing
“Pig Passport” for easy and reliable registration of individual animals directly in the barn.
IPVS2022 abstracts evaluation at the final stage
Authors should pay attention to the results that will be released soon
Effect of rearing cross-fostered piglets in litters of differing size relative to sow functional teat number on preweaning growth and mortality
Effect of the boar on swine inflammation and necrosis syndrome in offspring
Effects of cooled floor pads and chilled drinking water on behavior and performance of lactating sows under heat stress
The use of attractants to stimulate neonatal piglet interest in rope enrichment
The new challenge of crate-free housing in farrowing
Europe is preparing to eliminate farrowing crates in the next few years... Are farmers ready? Will this benefit the sows? What about the piglets?
UK: Support for improving animal health and welfare
The UK has set out plans for government funded vet visits, grants for animal welfare improvements, and health and welfare priorities for the swine industry.
European Parliament: adoption of the AGRI Implementation Report on on-farm welfare
On-farm animal welfare rules: MEPs call for clarity and uniform implementation.
Effect of environmental enrichment and group size on water use and waste in grower-finisher pigs
Tip: "Hands-free" needle-free vaccination
Needle-free vaccination has many advantages over conventional vaccination, but it is not as comfortable to do. This trick gives us a solution.
The Mexican Institute of Pig Farming has launched
The Institute's objective is to promote scientific and technological research and make it more accessible to small and medium-scale producers.
Relationship between birthweight and pre-weaning mortality
Low birth weight increases mortality during the lactation period and affects the productive life of piglets until slaughter. This article attempts to answer the question: Is pre-weaning mortality related to a birth weight threshold?