Page 35 of articles about management

Distribution of weights at birth.

Nature is wise II

In a system with 2.35 farrowings/sow/year, more than 14 piglets born per farrowing, more than 11 weaned piglets/farrowing and around 1% of losses at weaning; what can we do to improve this?

Space in the farrowing quarters

Space in the farrowing quarters

Knowing how to make the most of space in our farrowing rooms is a key point, not only when using foster sows, but also for increasing the age at weaning. The farrowing pen is the most expensive pen at the farm, and we must obtain the maximum possible efficiency out of it.

Split suckling

This video by BPEX explains the split suckling technique, which we can use to make sure that the smallest piglets have access to colostrum during their first 6 hours of life.