Page 44 of articles about management
Environmental control in the growing phase (II): Environmental needs
In order to try to control the environment, it is important: - Be able to evaluate it. - Be familiar with the needs of different types of animals. - Implement corrective measures to adapt to those needs.
Fattening: Manipulable material and lighting
Organization of the replacements IV
Another convenient option for controlling the replacement entry is to incorporate the information on the breeding chart.
Piglet castration
Ulcers in swine livestock (2/2)
Environmental and sow-related factors affecting the duration of farrowing
Organization of the replacements III
In the previous chapter we began to describe several systems for recording clearly and quickly the dates that gilts come into heat and for planning gilt service.
The weaner as currency
Thompson’s tip: Regular worm monitoring
Netherlands - The Minister for Agriculture plans a reduction in the use of antibiotics in livestock
Environmental control in the growing phase (I): Checking the environment
Man is possibly the only animal capable of living in practically all places in the world, regardless of the climate. This is due to his capacity to construct buildings to isolate himself from the climate however extreme it may be, maintaining an environment which allows him to survive. As domestic animals live together with man, they have to take advantage indirectly of this capacity.
Why does good cleaning and disinfection matter on pig units?
Organization of the replacements II
In previous chapters we have looked at the importance of maintaining the ideal parity profile within each batch.
Temple Grandin: Pig Behavior During Handling
Temple Grandin discusses the design of chutes, races, and crowd pens for swine. Low stress handling improves pork quality and reduces PSE.