Page 51 of articles about management
Water system restrictions
Controlling finisher PCV2 mortality: vaccination results (2/2)
PRRS control
The presence of subpopulations of exposed and non-exposed sows in chronically PRRSV-infected breeding herds assists in the maintenance of virus circulation in the breeding herd over time.
Controlling finisher PCV2 mortality: infection dynamics (1/2)
Ventilation – heating and cooling
The purpose of a ventilation system is to remove excessive moisture and heat produced by animals in order to maintain an indoor climate within certain limits
Epidemiology and transmission of PCV2 and of porcine circovirus
It is assumed that the most probable route of PCV2 transmission is the oronasal tract, which would indicate that horizontal transmission (sow-piglet or piglet-piglet) is a frequent or very frequent occurence
Feeder adjustment - how to get barn workers involved in the daily adjustment process
The research data suggests that feeders designed for ad libitum feed access with diets in the mash form should have approximately 40% of the feeder pan covered with feed.
Current sanitary problems in the United States
Production factors associated with coughing and pneumonia in pigs
One-site and multi-site swine rearing systems II
In a previous article (March '99) we suggested a standardized terminology for the description of swine production systems. The terminology covered stages of production (breeding, nursery, finishing), management practices (isowean, sourcing of pigs, movement of pigs), and physical aspects and geographical locations of production facilities (numbers of buildings, loci, and sites).
One site and multi-site swine rearing systems
A new proposed system for terms to use in describing the various one site and multi-site production systems that have evolved in the pork production industry, and a simplified system for diagraming various types of pig farms.