Page 51 of articles about management

Water system restrictions

The objective of drinking device management is to provide water at a rate that satisfies the pigs thirst without either limiting intake because the rate of delivery is too low or resulting in increased spillage due to a rate that is faster than the pig can swallow.

PRRS control

The presence of subpopulations of exposed and non-exposed sows in chronically PRRSV-infected breeding herds assists in the maintenance of virus circulation in the breeding herd over time.


One-site and multi-site swine rearing systems II

In a previous article (March '99) we suggested a standardized terminology for the description of swine production systems. The terminology covered stages of production (breeding, nursery, finishing), management practices (isowean, sourcing of pigs, movement of pigs), and physical aspects and geographical locations of production facilities (numbers of buildings, loci, and sites).