Page 4 of articles about productivity

Iowa Pork Industry Center: SowBridge subscriber says program adds value to operation

In a constantly changing industry, Iowa pork producer Greg Carlson has identified the importance of convenient and effective continuing education. That’s why he has subscribed for two years to the distance education series SowBridge. This innovative program, coordinated by the Iowa Pork Industry Center (IPIC) at Iowa State University (ISU), provides Carlson and pork producers around the world with timely and accurate information in a highly efficient manner.

United Kingdom - British pig production still lags behind

Despite improvements in daily liveweight gain and pigs finished per sow, Britain still lags behind its European competition in the production stakes. The latest figures from the BPEX publication on international cost of production show Britain produced 1643kg pig meat per sow in 2009 – the lowest of all the EU countries.

Pork CRC makes bid for better pig welfare

Research supported by Australia’s Pork Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) suggests changes to how sows are managed and mated in lactation may enable a smooth transition from stalls to group housing, without reproductive performance declining.

JSR: Lifetime sow performance - a key indicator of profit

Pigs per sow per year and numbers weaned have always been the main performance criteria adopted by pig producers to judge the success of their business. Both are useful indicators, indeed JSR have a commercial target of 25 pigs per sow per year, but it is important that producers keep an open mind on how they can measure unit efficiency and productivity.