Page 15 of articles about manure
Genencor welcomes biofuel guidelines
UK - Pigs and poultry farm practices survey 2009
United Kingdom - Recent changes to the NVZ boundary
Netherlands -Twenty percent fewer livestock will curb manure oversupply
UK - Food and farm waste can help power the nation
Netherlands - Wageningen UR designs biogas plant
USA - NIFA Air Quality Projects to help prevent and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
USA - North Carolina electric providers call for swine waste project bids
UE - Nitrate pollution falling, but greater efforts still needed to meet water quality standards across the EU
California to measure methane
Netherlands - Commission Decision granting a derogation concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources
Dimension and design of the farrowing unit
The Danish pig producers’ research organisation has tested a number of different designs. They recommend pen dimensions of 2.7x1.8 m to accommodate modern prolific breeds.