Page 15 of articles about manure

Spain - MARM presents ECOGAN

The Spanish Minister of Agriculture has presented the software ECOGAN, an application for the estimation of emissions and consumption of resources in farms.

Netherlands -Twenty percent fewer livestock will curb manure oversupply

The oversupply of manure from Dutch livestock farms is rising as a result of stricter environmental regulations. To solve this problem without manure export or technological innovations, the number of livestock will have to be reduced by twenty percent before 2020, reports the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI).

Netherlands - Wageningen UR designs biogas plant

Wageningen UR's Swine Research Farm at Sterksel is to carry out research into carbon neutral pig farming using a mini-biogas plant. The Productschap Vee en Vlees (Cattle and Meat Marketing Board) will invest 170 thousand euros in a low-cost prototype design.

California to measure methane

California plans to install a network of computerized monitors to measure methane emissions from regions that are home to dairy ranches, farms, landfills and other sources.