Page 23 of articles about market prices
We are reaching the bottom level. The end of the waterfall
Our prices will still fall, with slight drops, but it will fall, until reaching a point in which all the pigs that can be slaughtered will be slaughtered. The bottom price cannot be very far away…
Accelerated drop or how the waterfall becomes a cataract
Spanish pig prices will still fall, but the great question is: until where? The answer is not an easy one, but we tend to think that…
Germany: Tierwohl Initiative, improving welfare to improve the end product
Back to earth: Hard landing?
While the remainder of the year will likely have challenges a little deeper than most are thinking now, it is not looking like a disaster…
The French pig production drops
Wheat and meat push FAO Food Price Index higher in June
FAO Meat Price Index: modest price increases
New tool enhances price transparency along the food supply chain
Pig production in the United Kingdom 2016
Vietnam: MARD urges husbandry firms to save pig farms
Are the price signposts changing?
Continued emergence of producer owned packing is setting up a new closed market channel which may evolve its own pricing structures which take it farther and farther from the common, historical patterns.
Philippines: As pork prices rise, DA to allow import of 7-M kilos of pork
The FAO Meat Price Index rose
Unbeatable expectations
The Spanish market has taken a rest for Easter, but the rises will go on.