Page 23 of articles about market prices
Pig production in the United Kingdom 2016
Vietnam: MARD urges husbandry firms to save pig farms
Are the price signposts changing?
Continued emergence of producer owned packing is setting up a new closed market channel which may evolve its own pricing structures which take it farther and farther from the common, historical patterns.
Philippines: As pork prices rise, DA to allow import of 7-M kilos of pork
The FAO Meat Price Index rose
Unbeatable expectations
The Spanish market has taken a rest for Easter, but the rises will go on.
Rabobank: Favourable Global Pork Market to Continue into Q3
Philippines: Tight supply pushing up pork prices
Brazil pig prices? Check them on our website
Santa Catarina and Paraná pig prices now available on our pig price information system.
FAO: Meat prices are exception in general downward trend
Hope becomes established and predictions are confirmed: prices take a run up...
The prices rise in all Europe. In the last market session in March the German price has only grown by €0.07/kg carcass weight, and this conveys firmness and security all over the place.
Riding a powerful diesel engine
Since late January until today, the price at Mercolleida has regained €0.066. We could say that the Spanish price is riding a powerful diesel engine that is propelling it upwards inexorably.